Monday, June 19, 2023

An Intimate Evening with Diabolu Frank

Internet Archive
Player FM

Rated-imMATURE – Naughty Language and Spoilers

Face front True Skeezers! Illegal Machine decides to give Frank the unadulterated soap box he didn’t know he needed! My mans has some very interesting opinions that aren’t decades old (who knew!?)!

We had a good time recording this one!!

Topics in this episode:

  • 1) What’s the CURRENT state of conventions, post Hollywood takeover and UNNAMED VIRUS?
  • 2) HORROR Conventions!?!?
  • 3) What CURRENT comics and creative teams are getting Frank the most lathered up?
  • 4) Comic industry prediction update: Is the Industry still DOOMED?
  • 5) What does AI think about the Rolled Spine Podcast?
Comic Books, Conventions, Horror, Rolled Spine Special